Multiple screenshots of the application in front of a light green background.


Ryvra is designed to simplify the UI design process by eliminating the step between analog and digital wireframes through automated digitisation. Sketches can be scanned and immediately converted into digital wireframes.

Hannah Gatter,
Sonja Brehm
November 2019 -
February 2020
Prof. David Oswald
My Role
Research, Concept Ideation, UI Design, Prototyping, Code
3rd Semester (BA),
Invention Design
We are aware that there are already systems for digitising wireframes. However, the existing systems usually only show a conversion from A to B, which can hardly be controlled in a targeted way. In addition, the process before and after the conversion of the wireframe is usually neglected. Because of that we believe these tools cannot yet be well integrated into the designer‘s process– and this is exactly what Ryvra is aiming for.
01 Research
02 Concept
03 Final Result
04 Coded Prototype

01 Research


Is analog work still important?

In the days of the digital age, the question often arises as to why pen and paper are still used. That is why we decided to do research on the justification of analogue work. What advantages do analogue tools bring with them and will they remain relevant in the future?

Advantages of analogue working
Pen and paper are always at hand and you can realize your ideas immediately and with ease.
By not being able to get too detailed, you gain focus; you won‘t get lost in visual details.
Through the sektchy appearance you will get honest feedback on the general idea, not the visuals.
In a teamwork or workshop context it is possible to work on ideas together.

Observation & Interviews


In order to get a better understanding of how UI designers scribble, we had 20 test persons replicate six selected screens of existing apps. We selected screens of varying complexity and asked the test persons to show how their scribble of the respective screen would have looked like in the design phase.

The analysis of the different sketches allowed us to gain insights into the individual ways of drawing, which were crucial for the development of the later symbol system.


Afterwards, we conducted a short interview with the participants in which we asked them about their individual approaches and process when designing screens.

For instance, we asked:

  • Which steps are taken in the screen design process, which of them are analog or digital?
  • Are there advantages and disadvantages of scribbling and if so, what are they?
  • What is the motivation for scribbling?
Key Findings
Most interviewees start their process with pen and paper.
The switch to digital follows quickly, as patience is lost.
Differentiation between screens for own purposes vs. in groups.
In the later part of the process one is less likely to scribble.

02 Concept

How does Ryvra work?

An illustration of a piece of paper with a sketched wireframe on it
01. Sketch the wireframe.
Taking a photo of the sketch with a phone
02. Take a photo of the sketch
an illustration of a mobile phone and cloud symbol
03. The photo is uploaded
to the cloud.
An illustration of the sketch uploaded to a desktop
04. Select the sketches on the desktop app
An illustration of the convertion of the sketch into a digital wireframe
05. The wireframes get converted and can be checked for mistakes.
An illustration of how the wireframes are imported into the UI design tool.
06. The digitalised wireframes are imported into the UI design tool.

Symbol System

With the help of the results of our research we created the symbol system. In our development we concentrated on the implementation for mobile devices and iOS.

The developed symbol system enables the scribbled wireframes to be converted digitally via machine learning. Beside the most used elements, like buttons and pictures, we also developed commands. These are supposed to make the sketching, and the digitalisation later, easier. Moreover, words that have been written out can be captured and digitised by OCR (optical character recognition).

seperate sketched elements
Complete Symbol System

03 Final Result

Mobile App

In order to make it possible to realise the sketches at any time and place, the smartphone seemed to be an obvious solutionas a reference tool for the symbol system, since it is always at hand.

All elements from the symbol system are listed in the library so that they can be easily looked up if they are forgotten.

Digitise Sketches

The first step is to select the photos you want to digitise. In the next step you will be asked to choose your device type. In the background, the appropriate symbol system, adapted to the operating system(in this case iOS), is selected. Afterwards,the desired pixel grid should be selected so that the elements can be aligned with it during the digitization.

After the transformation of the wireframe, one has the possibility to change individual elements if necessary.

The following options are available for the editing: Change wrongly recognized objects, select and determine unrecognized objects, select alternative elements, change style and move elements in the grid.


During the research and interviews it became clear that wireframes reach different stages of development during the design process. These bring certain advantages for different purposes.

That's why, after the transformation of the scribbled wireframe, the designer has the possibility to switch between three different styles. The layer element functions as kind of a view mode that displays the artboards in the respective style. The content of the board is not changed, but only displayed differently.

Only outlines, very similar to the selfdrawn sketch. It's supposed to enable the designer and the outside observer to reduce the sketch to the content.

Individual elements are already taking on more realistic forms, but the elements remain in shades of grey.

This is the final design of the project. The designer forms this style themselves by making their own adjustments to the elements of the symbol system.

04 Coded Prototype

To get ourselves more involved with machine learning and also to explain the principle to visitors of our semester exhibition, we coded a simple prototype.

We had five wireframe sketches redrawn by 20 people. With those sketches, we then created a machine learning model via teachable machine. So for every wireframe we had 20 sketches, to make sure the machine would recognize them when they were drawn in slightly different ways. We then exported the machine learning model and integrated it in our interface using p5.js.

In the end, the visitor could redraw one of the five templates and then place his own drawing under the webcam. Afterwards they got the converted wireframe and could change the styles on it.