Multiple screenshots of the application in front of a light blue background.

Conceptual Structures

In the early 2000s, information architectures were used to describe the structure of websites. But today's focus is less on content-rich websites and more on functional, complex tools. For this reason, in our work Conceptual Structures, we investigated new forms of representation for the structural description of digital products.

October 2021 – January 2022
Prof. Carmen Hartmann-Menzel, Prof. David Oswald
My Role
Research, Concept Ideation, UI Design, Prototyping
Bachelor Thesis
01 Research
02 Ideation
03 Development of a Method
04 Final Result

01 Research

Desk Research

What forms of presentation already exist?

At the beginning of our work, we concentrated on identifying existing forms of representation for the structural description of digital products.

This is just a really brief overview – If you are interested in more details of our research, please message me.

Brief Overview
Information architectures
There are many variations of information architectures (abbreviated as IA), including a hierarchical tree, tabular overview, schematic representation or sitemaps.
Navigation structures
Navigation structures are usually part of IAs and are reflected in their connection paths. These can take the form of a hierarchical, sequential, matrix or organic structure or of a hub-and-spoke navigation.
Flow Diagrams
Flows are used to visualize and think through the user's path through the application. There are also different variants here, but the boundaries between them are blurred (Task Flow, User Flow, Wireflow).
UML is a visual language used in software development. It can be understood independently of programming languages and is used to model software systems. The diagrams in UML can be divided into two main groups: Structure Diagrams and Behavior Diagrams.
Further Methods
Further Methods
Further conceptual methods exist, such as 'Object-Oriented UX' by Sophia Prater or 'Conceptual Models' by Hugh Dubberly.


In order to gain a broader understanding of existing industry standards and an insight into their workflow, we interviewed experts from various disciplines in the field of digital product development. These included product designers, information architects, an agile consultant, software architects and backend developers.

In the first part of the interview, we wanted to find out more about the interviewee's conception and design process in general. Without naming specific methods, we wanted to gain an unbiased insight into their work processes. In the second part, we looked at communication within transdisciplinary teams. We investigated how the parties involved communicate and which tools are used for this. Finally, we asked the interviewees about their understanding of information architectures and other structural methods and whether they use them. At the same time, advantages and difficulties were discussed.

Key Findings
Lack of overview
Designers in a product team usually no longer have a holistic overview of the product. This is caused, among other things, by the separate work at feature level. The high-level structure and the core requirements of the product are therefore lost sight of. This leads to inconsistencies in the UI.
Missing documentation
As product teams grow, much information is lost, as a lot is not documented and is only kept "in the heads" of the designers. There is usually one person who has to act as a point of contact for many questions. If these designers leave the company, the information is completely lost.
Limited time for structural planning
Due to a perceived lack of resources, many companies invest little time in the structural and conceptual planning of a product, even though this could avoid costly corrections later on.
Missing Concepts
From a design perspective, there is no particularly efficient way of describing a product structure. Classic information architectures were often perceived as too static.
Selected Quotes

Aim of the project

The aim is to develop a tool-supported methodology that supports designers in building a function-based structure in the early phases of digital product development. A collaborative desktop tool should dynamically integrate the structure of the software into the design process.

Our main HMWs:
How might we help the designers of digital products maintain an overview of the existing product so that they do not lose sight of the most important requirements?
How might we structure the elements and interactions of software so that all team members have the same understanding of the system to be designed?

02 Ideation

Crazy 8's and Sketches

Based on the previously formulated challenges, we finally embarked on a first ideation. The Crazy 8's method and the resulting density of ideas provided us with a variety of creative solutions in a short period. We generated ideas independently of each other and then tried to identify similarities and differences in the solutions. We then created possible combinations in the form of initial sketchy concepts.

A photo of multiple sketches on paper.

Reverse Engineering

The next task was to develop concrete ideas for the structural representation of software. We, therefore, used reverse engineering to trace existing software products back to their basic conceptual structure.

At the beginning of our work, we had already established that the functionality and n-dimensionality of software can hardly be represented in a 2D environment. Typically, software has a large number of interactive control elements. For this reason, states and dependencies can only be depicted in interactive representations. With this in mind, we decided to use the advantages of digital click dummies in this ideation round.

A screenshot of the first try on reverse engineering. It is looking similar to some kind of Information Architecture.Another screenshot of the first try on reverse engineering. It is looking similar to some kind of Information Architecture.

03 Development of a Method

Multiple Iterations

In contrast to reverse engineering, we now attempted to describe the structure of software that did not yet exist. To do this, we came up with an idea for a new mobile application: A social app focusing on bringing users with similar musical tastes together. We formulated a core objective and various features this app should have. Based on this, we designed a structure that we revised and adapted step by step.

After developing the structural representation for this mobile application, we tested the same principle on a desktop application and added further improvements to our method. Furthermore, we also tried our method on an already existing application.

After multiple iterations, our method was eventually finalized.

 graphic explaining the different steps we took:
1. Reverse Engineering to develop first ideas.
2.Developing a structure by describing a new mobile app (step by step), with multiple iterations.
3. Using the method to describe a new desktop app, with multiple Iterations.
4. Testing the method on existing apps.

Components of the developed method

The core of the method consists of a number of elements, which differ in their type. These are described in more detail below, using the structure of a whiteboard tool as an example.

04 Final Result

Desktop application: splice

Conceptual Structures is a solution approach in two substeps. Firstly, the focus was on developing a representation method (described above) for the structural description of software products. Integrating this method in the desktop application "splice" enables an efficient and resource-saving setup.

Splice is intended to serve the interdisciplinary product teams in the development and conception of end-user applications. The canvas-based software can be divided primarily into the two workspaces "Structure" and "Wireframe". The app is designed so that switching between the two workspaces is possible and even desired at any time. This way, the product team members can flexibly jump between the process steps. In doing so, individual ways of working are supported.

A picture of the app displayed on a MacBook mock-up.


An Illustration of the 7 steps, which are also explained in the following text.

The aim was to develop a method that can be adapted to the design process of the product teams. The method can be divided into individual steps, which can be separated if desired.

No. 01: Formulate Requirements

At the beginning, all stakeholders of a product team, such as product owners, designers and programmers, jointly write a requirements text. This text should briefly describe the main features of the planned software and serve as a common consensus that can be referred to at any time. In this way, ambiguities and differing ideas are prevented right at the beginning of the project.

No. 02: Create Elements

Individual words from this text, which are important for the software, can be converted into unlabeled elements and subsequently sorted. Gradually, this should result in a structure of different objects, which can be supplemented by further elements.

No. 01 + 02: Formulate requirements & create elements

No. 03: Nesting Elements

The created elements can be nested, and links between them can be created.

No. 04: Create Areas and Menus

In addition, elements can be combined into new areas or menus. Areas include all the elements that will be displayed on a later wireframe/screen. A local menu is a control element that usually contains one or more functions and can be accessed at any time within this area.

No. 04: Create a local menu

No. 03: Nesting Elements

The created elements can be nested, and links between them can be created.

No. 04: Create Areas and Menus

In addition, elements can be combined into new areas or menus. Areas include all the elements that will be displayed on a later wireframe/screen. A local menu is a control element that usually contains one or more functions and can be accessed at any time within this area.

No. 06: Task Flows

Task flows can also be optionally created before the creation of wireframes. These are intended to help keep an eye on the core requirements when designing wireframes step by step.

No. 06: Create a task flow

No. 06: Task Flows

Task flows can also be optionally created before the creation of wireframes. These are intended to help keep an eye on the core requirements when designing wireframes step by step.

No. 07: Linking Mode

In a later phase, the wireframes can be linked to the structure. In this way, the structure also adapts to changes in the wireframes and continues to develop dynamically. Conversely, the elements created in the wireframes can also be easily transferred to the structure.

No. 07: Linking elements to a wireframe


In order to document design decisions for team members in a comprehensible way, the designers can record their motives for the creation of an area. Tags and assignments can also be added.


In order to document design decisions for team members in a comprehensible way, the designers can record their motives for the creation of an area. Tags and assignments can also be added.


For better coordination within the team, comments can be set in the structure as well as in the wireframe environment.


For better coordination within the team, comments can be set in the structure as well as in the wireframe environment.